Sustaining a giving program over the long term requires succession planning. How will the giving program stay focused and vital after you are gone? Is the current structure right for your successors? Does it meet their needs? Are your successors truly enrolled in the Mission and Vision that have guided giving so far? What kind of conversation will best develop a partnership around these issues?
In addition to succession planning services we assist clients in strategic planning determining strategic objectives, assessing resources and preparing a course of action. Our planning services can also be employed by donors on behalf of a non-profit organization to leverage the donor's grantmaking activity long term effectiveness.
For example, the owner of a successful family business might address philanthropic Succession Planning in the course of business and estate planning. Cambridge Consulting would support this process by revisiting the Giving Vision and goals with members of the current and next generation, and updating the mechanisms for decision-making and allocation of funds, so as to ensure participation by all members of the next generation.